Sunday, September 25, 2005

The New Battlestar Galactica Series

I've always been a fan of Sci-Fi series ever since I was young. Lately, the Sci-Fi channel has been doing quite a load of interesting stories and concepts on several old series and have rekindled the Battlestar Galactica series. All I can say is: It's about bloody time!

The old Battlestar Galactica series of the 1980s talked about a group of rag-tag fugitives that travel alone in space, in search of the planet Earth, which was suppose to be their mythical 13th tribe of Kobol. The Cylons are a robotic race that have supposedly superior technology that attacked their homeworld and destroyed all the 12 colonies, leaving only these few remaining fugitives constantly on the run from attack by them. Starbuck was a man, in a playboyish kind of way.

The new Battlestar Galactica series has changed a little bit of the story. The Cylons were created by Man and they rebelled. A peace treaty was called for and they left Man alone for years. Man tried to reestablish communuication with them but no luck. So in the meantime, mankind prospered in their 12 different planets that housed the 12 different tribes of Kobol. Then the sneak attack by the evolved Cylons, which surprisingly and seemingly had inside info that brought down the entire defence network of the 12 tribes, nuclear attacked and destroyed all the colonies, leaving mankind once again on the constant run to journey through space to find the mythical planet Earth, the 13th tribe of Kobol. Starbuck is a cigar-sucking woman, not the cigar-sucking playboy. The show deals with military and civilian might and rights.

The main change in the story, which I loved, is that there are now 12 models of Cylons, the humanoid model of the old is no more. Now, they have the evolved metallic sentinel robot, and get ready for this, the human model. Yes, Cylons now look, walk, think, feel like humans do and what more, they believe in God! They newest human-cylons are religious, and they think that God has a plan and destiny for them all. In one of the episodes, we also learn that the Cylon raiders are unmanned now, they have no pilots and even have a brain connected to computer servos, nutrient fluids and oxygen! In other words, they're simulating human behaviour more and more.

So far, Season 1 is out on DVD after the fantastic viewership and rave reviews on the Mini-series released in 2003. At present, Season 2 is being screened and I hope that the DVD will come out soon. The stories are exciting, although sometimes, vague, but they make you think for yourself, so that you don't end up like Cylons - useless toasters.

Battle scenes are more realistic with improved computer enhancements and graphics as compared to the older series. No more lasers, now there's ammo and the battlestar docking bays on either side of the ship have to retract for it to make a hyperjump or their Faster Than Light (FTL) jumps. Even the Cylon Base Stars look more scary and shoot missiles. And the Cylons now swarm their enemies with hundreds of raiders.

In Season 1, we learn that the Cyclons are waging psycological warfare on the survivors/fugitives, tricking them but observing their response. They also want to produce their first human-cyclon baby as seen with the characters Helo and Caprica-Boomer. They also believe that their destiny is interwined with humanity and that God has laid out a path for them.

In the end, we have a series, almost comparable to Farscape and Stargate, but of a entirely different genre, the good, old humans versus robots of the old. This series is worth checking out and sticking to.

8.5 out of 10

Saturday, September 24, 2005

You Stand Watching

I've been eagerly waiting with breathless anticipation for Ryan Cabrera to produce a second album ever since I heard his first album and embraced it with all my heart! This young man is a gifted and talented song-writer and singer! His charismatic personality has won him legions of devoted fans from coast to coast. A real pity he's devoted his time mainly to America and hasn't toured alone in Europe or South-East Asia. I am so glad that with his latest album, he doesn't disappoint.

You Stand Watching is an excellent follow-up to his first release Take It All Away. Most, if not all of the songs in the album are written by him and some of them probably about his experiences in life and love. I would say that the first album was daring, but in this one, he's taken risk and it's paid off.

The song that stands out most is Photo, Shine On and Walking On Water. Actualy, the whole album stand out as a marvel in song-writing talent! With lyrics like "A photo can say a thousand things, but they can't say the million things I want to say..." It just melts your heart and make you think back about how life can be so true and hit so close to home.

Music arrangements are fantastic and innovative, not some stale or recycled melody or rhythm. I don't know why, but I love his guitar acoustic arrangements. Ryan has a real talent for writing rhythms and the music produced is like a mix between the nuances of rock and and the yearnings of country music, which is a real bonus to listen to actually. Mix all this with an incredible voice, ladies and gentlemen, we've got a hit album on our hands!

The only quarrel I have is that his other debut song in the Fantastic Four OST Always Come Back To You was not featured in this album, which was a crying shame because there was so much more space in the album to include it in, and it would have made the album complete.

Ryan Cabrera, I'm going to end by saying the same thing I said in my review of your first album. I eagerly anticipate your next album and all the albums and songs you write to come!

9 out of 10


John Stevens was an American Idol wannabe who didn't quite make it with the fans, got axed, but has come out with his own album - Red. The idea behind the title is that he's a red-head and what's more impressive is that he's only 17 years old and crooning his way into our hearts!

The album showcases classic cover versions plus some lovely new arrangements of songs like This Love, the Maroon 5 song, done in a nice slow, ballad form which changes the songs distinct characteristic. A duet with Erika Christensen with the song Let's Fall In Love.

This teenage crooner is going to give Michael Buble a run for his money, but is still rough around the edges. Some of the songs were sung without much feeling, and lacked emotion, but then again, perhaps I didn't feel the classic in the songs when he sang it.

Nevertheless, Someone To Watch Over Me is one of my all-time favourite songs and he did a good job singing it. Plus the fact that the album has David Foster as an Executive Producer will say volumes for the music. The song arrangements have been rewritten with much thought and the melody produced sounds gifted and makes you just want to get up and dance to these classic hits. Although not the original, it's just as good, if not better with John Stevens singing it!

8.5 out of 10

Saturday, September 10, 2005

New Venice & Victim Complexes

New Venice, that's the new name for the once lovely French Quarter New Orleans. How did that name come about? Well, it's simple really, the city's below sea level and the levees broke during the latest Hurricane Katrina natural disaster and literally drowned the entire city. So, what does Venice look like? New Orleans is just that, New Venice. After all, it is another New city.

At present the flood waters are receding, but there is much to learn from this tragedy:

(1) When asked to flee your homes by authorities just before a CAT 4 storm, you should listen and flee, not stay behind and hope for help after, or that the storm will miss you and you'll escape unscathed, not even in a Hollywood movie will you escape alive, anyone remember the movie Twister? Same thing applies.

(2) Everything in your home should be made either waterproof or inflatable, so that you can tie them together and gather them later.

(3) When there's a disaster of this magnitude, nobody's going to help, everyone's for themselves. So don't blame anyone else if you didn't prepare or listen to warnings before the event.

Not to be mean or uncaring or evil, but the people of that country do tend to have this victim complex. It's not a new complex, it's inherent in everyone of us, but more so for the people of that country. What do I mean, here are a few examples,

(1) I'm a victim here, the storm hit and I've got no home, I'm a victim.
(2) I blame the government for not moving fast enough.
(3) I blame the President for not caring.
(4) The President arriving would rather hug 2 beauties than 2 fat black New Orleaneans.
(5) I blame you for making me homeless.
(6) Where's our food? Where's our home? Where's our help?
(7) Where was God in this? God's just cruel, he's made me a victim of circumstance.
(8) God's abandoned this city, the city of jazz. God hates jazz!

All these sound so familiar, just 4 years ago with the 11 September 2001 event. Take it from me, it was a terrorist event, it wasn't anything more than any other disaster that history couldn't remember. No need to make a mountain out of a molehill.

Sure, that was a tragedy, many people lost their lives, died, everything was senseless, but riddle me this...have they caught the ultimate culprit Osama yet? No they haven't. With all their vaunted technology, stealth weapons blah, blah, blah... they can't even catch a simple bad guy? It's sad, it's pathetic and they made Saddam the scapegoat for it. Yeah sure, the world is a much better place without Saddam. Tell that to the families who have lost their sons and daughters and loved ones with the troops killed in Iraq everyday.

Iraq was a mistake. One that the President isn't willing to admit because he's out playing another round of golf during a hurricane. If I'm not mistaken, he was taking a vacation again this time. You don't just go in, invade the country to catch their dictator, claiming Weapons of Mass Destruction, and find NOTHING! Even Tony Blair has been hiding from his mistake. You don't hear him so often now.

Bottom line: People are still missing, starving, homeless and aching from the disaster. Up till now, relief efforts are only probably 50% to 60% and the higher-ups are still arguing that FEMA chief shouldn't be in-charge of relief efforts, because he fucked up. Now, he's resigned! In effect, blaming everyone again, ring around the rosie. This, ladies and gentlemen, this is the level of efficiency of relief and help you get if you're living in New Venice.

"Now watch this drive!"
-- President George W Bush playing golf, quote taken from Michael Moore's Farenheit 9/11

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

One Liners

  1. Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm.
  2. I intend to live forever - so far, so good.
  3. I love defenseless animals, especially in a good gravy.
  4. If you ain't making waves, you ain't kicking hard enough.
  5. Quantum Mechanics: The dreams stuff is made of.
  6. Support bacteria - they're the only culture some people have.
  7. When everything's coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.
  8. Ambition is a poor excuse for not having enough sense to be lazy.
  9. If I work as much as others, I'll do as little as they.
  10. Beauty is in the eyes of the beer holder.
  11. If everything seems to be going well, you've obviously overlooked something.
  12. Everyone has a photographic memory. Some don't have film.
  13. Join the Army, meet interesting people, kill them.
  14. Laughing stock: cattle with a sense of humour.
  15. Parachute: Used only once, never opened. Small stain.
  16. Black holes are where God divded by zero.
  17. Excuses are like asses, everyone's got them, and they all stink.

It's Great To Be A Guy!

  1. Your ass is never a factor for a job interview.
  2. Your orgasms are real - always!
  3. Your last name stays put.
  4. The garage is all yours.
  5. Nobody secretly wonders if you swallow.
  6. Wedding plans take care of themselves.
  7. Chocolate is just another snack.
  8. You can be President.
  9. You can wear a white shirt to a water park.
  10. Foreplay is optional.
  11. Car mechanics tell you the truth.
  12. You don't give a rat's ass if someone notices your new haircut.
  13. The world it your urinal.
  14. Hot wax never comes near your pubic area.
  15. You never have to drive to another gas station because this one's too icky.
  16. Wrinkles add character.
  17. Wedding dress $2000; Tux rental $100. 'Nuff said.
  18. People never glance at your chest when they talk to you.
  19. Princess Di's death was just another orbituary.
  20. Porn movies are designed with you in mind.