Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Spear Britney & The Death Of MTV

I really don't know about you all, but I think that MTV has had brain cancer for quite some time now. It's been going on for years actually, and every so often it goes through some sort of chemotherapy and other kinds of hopeless ways to try and save itself and prolong the agonising death-throes. Strangely enough, the annual Video Music Awards have always seemed to help boost the terminally ill channel somewhat, but it's plain to see that there's just no cure for this type of cancer.

The entire Britney Spears comeback on VMA was a total, complete and utter joke. Britney isn't Britney anymore, you can see it in her eyes, the drive and focus is gone, the youth and sweetness (if there ever was) is gone. She seemed to be out of place, confused even, on stage. She couldn't even lip-sync correctly, her hair looked like a hurricane-hit mess. Her overall performance was completely and sadly lame and worse of all, she's fat (at least too fat for her outfit). On top of that, it seems like its a whole bunch of college interns running MTV let alone the VMA's.

Five minutes into the show and they had technical difficulties. Sarah Silverman isn't funny and it was clear the audience didn't like her, she's a dingbat and a complete moron! And the whole Vegas party idea for the show is plain dumb. It's suppose to be an Awards show - not a hotel-room party. You can't advertise "performances by so and so" and only show clips of the performances because they're taking place in some hotel suite upstairs, and not in the main show hall.

They cut to commercials in the middle of a Maroon 5 performance like it was some Tonight Show Band, I was really pissed over that! MTV really shouldn't be on the air anymore. The only MTV series I actually loved was Celebrity Death-match. Those plasticine models were simply hilarious, throw in a murderous celebrity, a cat-fight, and the death match really takes off! I wish they would get those out on DVD soon, I would love to buy those for keepsake.

MTV hasn't been branching out, they've been concentrating a lot (and I mean a lot) to promote hip-hop artistes. Hip-hop isn't the only music in the world, or perhaps that's the way MTV wants to picture themselves. No wonder they're stuck in a cesspool.

Yes, people are allowed to make mistakes, but when you're already sick beyond help or hope, you really can't afford to do anything to help them. It's time for MTV to turn over and die. Perhaps they would consider euthanasia as a more discreet method of killing off.

Somewhere, Kevin Federline is rolling on the floor and laughing his @$$ off...

Monday, September 10, 2007

Dengue Cases Dropping...Why?

Just a few moments ago, my friend and I finally deduced why dengue cases dropped, or rather, she deduced it, I merely told her I'll write it on my blog.

OK, let's backtrack a little bit. For this entire year, the number of dengue cases have been on the rise. I can't remember the last time I walked by a wet area and someone will whisper the word "dengue", almost like they saw a ghost, when pointing to some pond or body of water.

At the same time, today is the last day of the Hungry Ghost Festival and you know what? Before all those ancestors of ours decide to rush back through the gates of hell before they close, us mortals decided to increase the rate and number of times we need to burn joss paper aka hell notes aka money for the dead! A bunch of superstitious people, we think that the more we burn, the luckier we will get, the more money we will strike through some lottery and make us all rich.

The only good that came out of all this is the amount of smoke that is generated in every estate. Smoke, as you all know, drives out insects and most important of all, mosquitoes! So the more we burn joss paper and incense, the less number of mozzies flying around biting us and spreading dengue.

What a simple and efficient solution! Of course, for those of us who hate smoke, be smoke generated by burning something, or cigarette smoke, it becomes smoke inhalation. So, in the other words, whether there's smoke or mozzies, or either, or neither, it's a lose-lose situation for us! If not, then perhaps global warming will get us.

We're doomed!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

iPod Touch

With the release of the iPhone in June, this new iPod was bound to come out sooner or later, it was just a matter or when! This is the iPod that everyone has been waiting with baited breath for. A touchscreen music player, that can play movies and surf the Internet. Everything you ever wanted in a touchscreen product, without the phone.

I think whenever Apple comes out with portable products, it's very important to look at the handiness and battery life. This latest iPod Touch boasts a battery life of 22 hours for regular music playback and 5 hours for video playback. It also has Wi-Fi support for you to download your music and surf the Internet. What more could you ask for?

If only Apple will trade in my older iPod model for this new one. I don't even mind topping up the extra cost. Then again, my present iPod cost more than the starting price of this little baby!

Release date 28 Sep 2007

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Blogger Picture Element Problem - Need Help!

If you readers of this blog haven't already noticed, some of the picture elements added to the right hand side of this blog are distorted. Distorted not because it was originally distorted, but because there seems to be a bug in the picture element widget.

There was never a problem before, but only recently, these few months, have there been this stretching effect to accommodate the pictures I put up from regular A4 portrait sizes to square CD format sizes.

I've personally written to the blogger support team about 1 month ago, but the problem doesn't seem to have been fixed or solved yet. I'm not sure if it's exclusive to my blog only, so everyone else has to give it a try and give me some comments and feedback below.

I've tried many things, including, completely removing the picture elements and re-adding them to the blog again. Short of deleting this entire blog and starting from scratch, I'm going to try opening another blog to see if the same problem occurs in the new one.

Any help or suggestions from anyone will be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!