Monday, December 27, 2010

10 Misconceptions Learnt In School

Einstein got bad grades in school

Generations of children have been heartened by the thought that this Nobel Prize winner did badly at school, but they're sadly mistaken. In fact, he did very well at school, especially in science and maths (unsurprisingly).

Humans evolved from apes

Darwin didn't actually say this, but he's been misreported ever since. What he did say was that we, and apes, and chimpanzees for that matter, had a common ancestor, once, a long, long time ago.

8. Napoleon was short

He was actually around 5ft 7 (about 1.7m), completely average for the 18th and 19th century. So how did the myth come about? Perhaps it was because he was always surrounded by his imperial guards, who had to pass a height requirement.

7. Thomas Edison invented the light bulb

Edison invented a lot of things – in fact he's one of the most famous inventors of all time – but the light bulb wasn't one of them. What he did was develop a light bulb at the same time as the British man, Joseph Swan, who came up with it originally.

6. Columbus believed the earth was flat

He may not have known how big the world was, but he wasn't worrying about falling off the edge of it.

5. Different parts of the tongue detect different tastes

You do have different taste buds on your tongue and some are more sensitive than others. But they aren't divided into perfect, easy-to-teach sections.

4. Water flushes differently in different hemispheres

No it doesn't. Sorry!

3. Vikings had horns/helmets with horns

Vikings may have been buried with their helmets and with drinking horns. When they were dug up by the Victorians, they assumed that the helmets had horns.

2. Lemmings throw themselves over cliffs to commit suicide

The poor old things are sometimes so desperate for food that they do, according to the BBC "jump over high ground into water", but they aren't committing group suicide.

1. Cheese are the favorite food of mice

Mice enjoy food rich in sugar as well as peanut butter and breakfast cereals. So a Snickers bar would go down much better than a lump of cheddar.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Tron Legacy

The 28 year wait for this sequel is almost over.
2 more weeks to go!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Monday Blues

Click to enlarge for a closer look!

Friday, November 05, 2010

Quirky Fridays!

Click on the pictures to enlarge them!

Monday, August 09, 2010

Life Reflections

Observing the supermarket over the years, I've determined that there are 3 common checkout strategies. My local supermarket may be like yours - it usually has 8 to 10 checkouts open. If you watch carefully, you'll see people adopting 1 of 3 strategies:

The 1st is to pick the shortest line and get in it. Stick with it, no matter what.

The 2nd is to pick the shortest line and switch lines once (at a maximum) if something holds up your line - like the dumbass person who halfway through forgot that he/she wanted to get something else and decides to hold up the line while he/she runs like a headless chicken to find her stuff. More often than not, it's a she!

The 3rd is to pick the shortest line and keep scanning the other lines. Switch lines if a shorter one appears. Continue this process until you leave the store.

The problem with the 3rd strategy is obvious. Every time you switch lines, you're starting over. In your search for a quick fix, you almost certainly waste time and you definitely waste energy jumping back and forth.

There are queues everywhere. Do you jump from one to another and every time you hit an obstacle, you switch to a new, easier better opportunity? While that might work, you're never going to get anywhere, because you can't make up your mind and you keep switching lines, never able to really run for it.

Similarly, with work, while starting up is thrilling, it's not until you get through a difficult period that your efforts pay off. The sad news is that when you start over, you get very little credit for how long you stood in line with your last great venture.

If it takes 10 impressions to make an impact, and you've delivered 8, that switch is going to cost you a lot of time and money.

So the moral of the story is, choose wisely, logically and with a huge amount of common sense, stick to it till the end and you will make it through to the end.

But if all else fails...cheat!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Lambe Alabakovski - Ljubovta Mi Treba

Lambe Alabakovski is an amazing Macedonian singer,
his vocal power is WOW!
I love this song, it may be short,
but listen to the saxophone

and the beats, very R & B.
Pay attention to him, he's famous!

Ljubovta Mi Treba translated from Macedonia is I Need The Love.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Good News Bad News

Over the course of the past year or so, the following TV series has kept me at the edge of my seat, well, maybe some more than others. It has come to the point where, some of them have excellent stories, and some of them are so bad, you even wonder how they managed to secure an entire season of crappiness!

Well, here at last are the updates on whether or not some the TV series will be picked up for yet another season and well, I am rather happy with the results...

TV Series Renewed For Another Season,
All good and worthwhile following!

TV Series That Has Been CANCELLED,
probably due to poor ratings or
terrible plots over the past year (YAY!!)

I was a little disappointed with FlashForward being cancelled, it showed premise, but then again, how long can a series featuring flash-forwards carry on? If Lost is wrapping up the series, then I don't see why TV needs another different version of Lost on the airwaves!

Heroes was long-expected to be cancelled, the ratings for this series has been plummetting since mid-way through season 3, after all the original heroes lost their powers. I was all for it to be cancelled by then, as the plots were full of holes and confusing, with all the jumping back and forth in the timelines, I got super headaches! I'm really not sorry that Heroes got cancelled, in fact, I'm rather delighted that it will be gone!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

10 Popular Sleep Myths

Here are some sleep myths that are used by parents to get you away from TV, movies, music, computer games etc etc etc...

Recognize them and avoid them, know what is fact and what is myth, even half-myths!

  1. Everyone Needs Eight Hours Of Sleep A Night (Myth)
  2. Some People Are Fine With Only a Few Hours of Sleep (Unclear)
  3. People Need Less Sleep With Age (Myth)
  4. Naps Can Help You Catch Up With Sleep (Fact)
  5. If You Don't Sleep Enough You Can Catch Up by Sleeping Late on the Weekend (Fact)
  6. Exercise Before Bed Can Help You Sleep (It Depends)
  7. Sex Before Bed Will Keep You Awake (It Depends)
  8. A Big Meal Before Bed Will Trigger Nightmares (Myth)
  9. If You Wake Up in the Middle of the Night, Warm Milk Will Help You Go Back to Sleep (Possibly)
  10. Bad Dreams Can Kill You in Your sleep by Causing a Heart Attack (Myth Based On A Fact)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Top Cities For Men

Here's a list of cities for men to live in, there are 29 in all.
The poll ranks cities based on work and play, weather, and the ratio of men to women.
  1. New York
  2. Melbourne
  3. Tokyo
  4. Madrid
  5. London
  6. Cape Town
  7. Miami
  8. Buenos Aires
  9. Sydney
  10. San Francisco
  11. Paris
  12. Los Angeles
  13. Hong Kong
  14. Tel Aviv
  15. Barcelona
  16. Sao Paulo
  17. Berlin
  18. Lisbon
  19. Beirut
  20. Istanbul
  21. Shanghai
  22. Montreal
  23. Amsterdam
  24. Chicago
  25. Toronto
  26. Kyoto
  27. Bogota
  28. Rome
  29. Las Vegas
Which city would you like to live in?
Which city have you lived in and would recommend?

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Tron Legacy Trailer 2

The new Tron Legacy Trailer,
gives a little more insight into the sequel.

Looks like something to look out for
towards the end of the year!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Look what's coming out this year in July!

Like Aliens, this movie is titled Predators,
plural for many, many Predators!
Hopefully that means we get to
see more than one or two Predators.

Starring Adrien Brody, Topher Grace,
Laurence Fishburne and Alice Braga

Looks promising...
Something worth looking out for!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Clash Of The Titans 2010

Hopefully this remake will be much better than the original!

The Game Has Changed

New poster for the upcoming Tron Legacy!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Technological Evolution

An interesting way to look at things.
Stop watching the sports channel,
watch porn, at least with each orgasm,
you loose some calories!

Friday, February 26, 2010

We Are The World - 25 For Haiti

One of the nicer remakes of the original Michael Jackson hit!
For more information on the line-up of music celebrities,
read this page:

Friday, February 19, 2010

Ignore The Pope!

The pope has no right to speak about British law, but even if he did: he's wrong.

By Ian Dunt

If aliens came down to earth to find that an 82-year-old male virgin in a dress is a world authority on matters of sexual morality they would probably turn round and go home, safe in the knowledge that there's nothing to learn here. But politics is rarely about the way the world should be, and usually about the way actually is, and so we must deal with the reality of the situation, no matter how preposterous it is.

The pope's comments yesterday prompted a battering ram of criticism, but before we get carried away it would useful to differentiate the two strands of the debate. One strand is on the validity of the equality bill itself and religious groups' duty to follow British law. The second is about his authority to speak his mind in such a forthright fashion.

On the bill itself, religious figures have spoken a great deal of nonsense about this generally well-conceived, thoughtful and decent-minded piece of law. It's not perfect but it's a good bit of law. No-one is trying to ban Christmas, as bishops said recently.

It does, however, cement the notion that employers cannot discriminate. And the Catholic church, quite plainly, is very keen on continuing to discriminate against homosexuals and women who want to be priests. It seems heavy handed to force them to adapt their traditions. But allowing religious groups an exemption, as is currently the case, sets an intolerable precedent.

If the Catholic church is exempt from equality laws, then what about spiritual healer Davender Ghai, a Hindu man who has been entrenched in a protracted legal fight to be cremated on a traditional funeral pyre? When he went to the Appeal Court last month, master of the rolls Lord Neuberger would only allow him the go-ahead if his demands "fall within the legislation". There were no exemptions simply because of his faith.

Do women in burkas get exemptions from passport photos or airport security checks? No. In Uganda, child sacrifice by witch doctors seeking to gain spiritual and material favour is still relatively common and, worryingly, on the rise. It is a monstrous abomination, but it is also a religious practise. Would a Ugandan witch doctor in London be granted the right to sacrifice children?

That sounds a churlish and extreme example, and it is. But legally and in terms of formulating a coherent political position, principle is what counts. The principle in this case must be that religions cannot be granted exemptions from the law merely on the basis that they are a religion. After all, no-one else is consistently offered exemption. Why should they? The mere fact religious groups have forsaken rationality should not grant them special favour.

On the second strand: many religious figures are irritated by suggestions - predominantly from secular and gay rights groups - that the pope has no right to comment on British matters. As the leader of an important faith, it seems quite obvious that he has the right to speak on this issue. After all, it affects those who follow him. His religious status does not bar him from having an opinion. That argument is entirely right and understandable.

But Pope Benedict XVI is not just the head of a church, he is also the head of a state. As it happens - and rather amusingly - he is currently the only absolute monarch in Europe. That changes everything. The French president isn't in the habit of condemning British legislation. We react pretty badly when he makes comments about our food, for heaven's sake. The pope needs to get out of our affairs, not for religious reasons, but for national reasons.

Supporters of the pope, and their brothers from other religions who recognise the need to team up against the ever-increasing secularism of Great Britain, will accuse me of further reducing the role of religion in British society and delegating it into the private sphere. And to that I would say: correct.

Comments: I found this article absolutely amusing and tend to agree with Ian. For someone who doesn't have much experience in that department, he should just shut up, because the more he talks, the stupider he sounds!

Article taken on 2 Feb 2010 from

Monday, February 01, 2010

The Final Season - LOST

At long last, the final season of LOST begins this week.
Said to having a lot of shocks and surprises,
I just can't wait to see if all the questions get answered.
It's been a long time coming!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Lies We Tell Ourselves!

We all lie to ourselves. Why, I don’t know. I guess self-delusion is part of the human condition, whatever that means. I’m sure a relatively competent shrink can explain it, but who needs all that psychobabble, right?

What got me explaining 5 lies people tell themselves so they can buy stuff they can’t afford: I could have bought something more expensive so I’m actually saving money, it’s an investment, I deserve it because something good happened, I’m comforting myself because something bad happened, that sort of thing.

Now here’s the thing. Usually when we lie to ourselves we’re only hurting ourselves; worst case, our families. But with managers, it’s a whole different ballgame. When managers lie to themselves they can hurt a lot of people. The bigger the title, the more people they can hurt. CEOs can hurt shareholders, employees, and customers by the thousands. Hell, they can take down a whole company. Pffftt... I wish!

I’ve seen self-delusional executives destroy once-great companies lots of times. Sad but true.

But wait, managers are only human, right? They’re allowed to make mistakes. Sure. Mistakes are one thing. But saying things to comfort yourself and prop up your fragile ego so you don’t have to face the truth because it scares you or something is an entirely different thing.

10 Lies Managers Tell Themselves

  1. I know what customers want. CEOs often think they know what customers want. Actually they don’t. They just know what they want, and they’re usually not even in the target demographic.
  2. We have the best (fill in the blank). Technology, marketing, customer service, whatever. Typically self-delusional BS, boastfulness, or ego transference (if there is such a thing).
  3. It’ll fix itself. When they don’t want to do something that’s a pain in the you-know-what.
  4. Our customers love us. Usually a way to keep people from asking questions they don’t want to hear so they don’t have to learn the truth that they don’t want to know.
  5. My employees love me. Same thing as with customers. Delusions of grandeur.
  6. Out of sight, out of mind. AKA solving a problem by ignoring it, firing it, or otherwise making believe it doesn’t exist.
  7. It’s probably for their own good. Also “they’ll land on their feet.” Usually when they demote or fire somebody, or during a layoff. A blessing in disguise with a silver lining attached.
  8. The ends justify the means. Comforting themselves when they’ve done something terrible to others.
  9. I know what the execs want. He probably doesn’t; he’s just afraid to ask or doesn’t want you to go over his head.
  10. It’s my company. In small business, this is often true, but for CEOs of corporations, almost never. So why say it? I don’t know - is there such a thing as ego extension?

So, what’s the solution to the problem? You really need to ask? If you’re a manager, wake the fuck up! Grow a pair and face the truth, and admit that you're wrong, that's the first step to change! Board directors, beware of self-delusional executives.

Anyway, those are my 10 lies, but there must be hundreds. I know you’ve got a few so, come on, spill it.

Lie to me and share...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

How To Deal With Morons!

Here are a few phrases to deal with morons and idiots, be it at work or in your daily life:

I can please only one person per day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow isn't looking good either.

I love datelines. I especially like the whooshing sound the make as they go flying by.

Am I getting smart with you? How would you konw?

I'd explain it to you, but your brain would explode.

Some day we'll look back on all this and plow into a parked car.

There are very few personal problems that cannot be solved through a suitable application of high explosives.

Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to get along without it.

Accept that some days you're the pigeon, and some days you're the statue.

Needing someone is like needing a parachute. If he isn't there the first time you need him, chances are you won't be needing him again.

I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.

Last night I lay in bed loooking up at the stars and I thought to myself, "Where the heck is the ceiling?!"

My Reality Check bounced.

On the keyboard of life, always keep one finger on the escape key.

I don't suffer from stress. I'm a carrier.

You're slower than a herd of turtles stampeding through peanut butter.

Everybody is somebody else's weirdo.

Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level then beat you with experience.

Saturday, January 02, 2010


Evolution is the fundamental drive behind any species. Earth has reached a crisis point for evolution. We cannot evolve further because the planet has become overcrowded. At the same time, animal life and other species of plants can't evolve because of interference from Men. Should we actually save these living things from extinction or should we just let it die out and allow evolution to move on?

Let's assume for a second that Men does not exist in such vast numbers. Let's say, in this make-belief theory, we cut down the population of Man by half. Then we look at all the endangered species of animals, be it, the whales, pandas, birds etc Will they really be endangered or go extinct? What is causing the pandas to die out? Is it because their natural habitat has been destroyed? Is it because their species is just genetically weak at adapting to changes? Or is it because they're just shy and fussy to breed? In the case of whales, it will be less hunting of whales, will that mean that there will be more whales in the oceans? There will be less beaching of whales? Most of the time, it's because the natural habitat of these living things are being destroyed. Man cut down trees and clear the way for freeways, roads, cities, malls etc.

But if you look at it, evolution is also the ability to adapt to your new environment. If, for example, a species cannot adapt to the environment, it will die out completely because it cannot find food or shelter or something else that enables it to live on. Bats are abundant and live in the caves and in the dark. They have a particularly adaptive immune system that prevents them from suffering any ill effects of disease that they pick up. However, if we get bitten by a bat, they can transmit any of those nasty diseases they are holding back to us.

Men are surviving on this planet because of our vast numbers. But we are bleeding all the natural resources of this planet till there's nothing left. One day in the not too distant future, Earth will become an empty husk. Men do not replenish this fuel we use up. Soon there will be no more oil left. Oil is the lifeblood of this planet. We have based our entire transportation system on oil. We need to look towards more imaginative forms of fuel: Giant birds, beaming technology, catapults etc.

Men are an adaptable species, we will not die out because we are able to imagine ways to outwit extinction. We breed in vast numbers and live for long years, well, long enough in one generation to make a difference. The one major flaw for men is that we do not know how to make a self-contained system, in which everything can be recycled and reused. We are always dependable on something else for survival. I guess that's the fate on this planet, every single living thing depends on something else for their survival. Should we colonise the moon, we will still be dependent on Earth for most of the resources, because the moon has nothing to offer whatsoever. If we colonise another planet, say in a few hundreds years, let's hope that new world has new resources we can make use of to power us.

All this might sound science-fiction, but an active imagination allows survival. If we stop imagining, we will cease to become creative, that in turn prevents us from adapting to new circumstances and challenges, and that will eventually put us on the path to extinction.