Friday, May 18, 2012


Adding garlic to chicken pate could reduce the chances of getting food poisoning, research indicates.

Scientists have found a compound in garlic 100 times more effective at fighting common type of bacteria tha causes food poisoning, called Campylobacter, than two types of antibiotic.

Campylobacter is commonly found both on the surface of poultry and inside the flesh. Cases of related food poisoning have been rising in recent years, due partly to an increasing fondness for serving 'pink' chicken liver pate.

Now researchers at Washington State University in the US have found that a compound derived from garlic, called diallyl sulphide, is particularly effective at penetrating the slimy film that protects colonies of Campylobacter.

They found that, in a laboratory setting, it was 100 times more effective than the antibiotics erythromycin and ciprofloxacin, and would often work in "a fraction of the time".

Barbara Rasco, associate professor of food science, said,"Diallyl sulphide could make many foods safer to eat. It can be used to clean food preparation surfaces and as a preservative in packaged foods like potato and pasta salads, coleslaw and deli meats."

The study is published in the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. However, the authors said that while eating garlic was generally a healthy thing to do, they could not be sure it would help prevent Campylobacter-related food poisoning.

There were 18 outbreaks of Campylobacter poisoning reported last year, causing 443 people to fall ill. Most were from eating out. There are certain to be many more unreported cases from normal kitchen cooking.

Levels of Campylobacter in most raw chicken are high, so it's really important that chefs cook livers thoroughly to kill any bacteria, even if recipes call for them to be seared and left pink in the middle.
The only way of ensuring the pate or parfait will be safe to serve to guests or customers, is by cooking the livers the whole way through.

However, the article didn't conclude whether or not diallyl sulphide, while effective against Campylobacter poisoning, was any good against other types of food poisoning like Vibrio, Salmonella or Shigella-related food poisonings.

With more research in the future, I'm confident that researchers will be able to find more interesting compounds that will be organically effective against these types of food-poisoning bacteria.

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