Monday, December 19, 2005

Pyrrhic Victory

A Pyrrhic victory is a victory which is won at too great a cost for the victor. The phrase is a reference to King Pyrrhus of Epirus, who defeated the Romans at Heraclea and Asculum in 279 BC, but suffered severe and irreplaceable casualties in the process, going on to eventually lose the Pyrrhic War.

President GW Bush just asserted that the US is winning the war in Iraq, a war that he's fighting for his people. War propaganda and morale boosters, nothing more. Really, is he trying to free the Iraqis or is he just trying to tie them up in so much political unrest and red tape so that he can get his hands on their oil? It has always been about the oil and nothing else. Saddam was a bonus to toy around with, to distract us, just like the proclamation of WMD, it was never found.

Actually, the more vehemently someone denies something, the more truth there is to it. It's like the Vietnam War all over again, but they don't want to hear that Iraq is like another Vietnam War, it's low morale on the troops. He doesn't want to give the troop withdrawal time-table because he doesn't have one.

They will forever live in the shadow of terrorism and never move out of their wilderness of mirrors that was created for them, always looking over their shoulders. Their war will never be over. To them it has always been a matter of pride, ego and military might. And to what end? The originator of the September 11 attacks, OBL, is still at large...

'Nuff said.

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